San Juan Timber Fallers

Tree and Land Services

Hazard Tree Removal

This pine was cat faced on the lower right side without any structures around but we’ve cut hundreds of trees that were posing threats to structures. A large portion of those being large and/or complex. If it can be done without climbing it, then we’ll do it because it’s cheaper, cleaner and quicker.

Fire Mitigation

The mitigation work is a balance between subtracting the threat of fire without subtracting the vegetation so much so that the land becomes naked. We’re attuned to where this line of balance lies and we prefer to work within it. If other things are unsightly or simply unwanted we can take that out as well.

Pile Burning

Under certain circumstances the topography and access may make burning the cut material more practical than chipping or hauling it out. Burning it in piles is a commonly used option.

Trail Crafting

We’ve cut so much fire line and built so many trails in our previous lines of work that we really started to miss the days of cutting line all day! Ha, not really but if you have some property, whether it’s a yard, hillsides or whatever, you may wanna enjoy it by walking around and checking out the plants and wildlife that also live there. In my opinion it’s one of the best ways to enjoy our surroundings.

We can come look at whatever you’ve got a concern or question for.